Shelly’s Bio

Welcome to the blog! I’m Shelly for a living I work as a Business Analyst/cube-land resident but my passion is for quilting.  I made my first quilt top from a Jelly Roll and a pattern in 2010. After the top was done I didn’t really know what to do next so I just packed it away in a closet.  In 2016 a friend at work was buying a sewing machine and I offered to bring her the scraps I’d hung onto all those years so she could use them for practice.

Theresa (one of the co-hosts on this blog) overheard and invited me over to her house to quilt it on her mid-arm and the rest, as they say, is history.  I. Was. Hooked. Over the next 2 years I finished 13 more quilts (two even won ribbons at the Iowa State Fair) and as of April 2018 I have 10 projects that are in the works.  I really do think the quilting journey is a heck of an adventure.

The possibilities are endless, once you have the basic skills under your belt you can go in any direction you want at any time.  Welcome to the adventure! I hope you learn something and find some community here.

At my first ever guild meeting the leader asked each of us, “What kind of quilts do you like”?  And my answer was ALL OF THEM, I love traditional quilts, modern quilts, scrappy quilts….I love quilts.  I think that I can find something I love about any quilt that I see, whether it’s precise construction, surprising fabric choices, a pattern I haven’t seen before or something else.  There’s always something to be appreciated and learned from any quilt I get to see.

You can also find me on Instagram as @adelshelly or on our Quilt Your Own Adventure Facebook page or group.

Let’s go quilt!